Saturday, March 4, 2017


Part of me felt like this was what Fight Club would feel like if Angelina Jolie directed it.

While it's a solid tale of survival in spite of unbelievable odds, I tend to not like films as much when the protagonist doesn't really drive the plot all that much, and plot just shows the lead character suffering, and then more suffering, and then even more suffering until it's time to wrap up the movie. I get it, he suffered to ease the suffering of others in the last half of the film, but still, I could have just popped in "The Passion of the Christ" in some respects for that viewing experience, too.

With all that said, Louie Zamperini is a true war-time hero, I just wished the story played out with a different angle, I guess.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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