Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Revenant

Saw 'The Revenant' and all I have to say is that it'll be a crying shame if that grizzly bear doesn't get a Best Supporting Bear Actor nomination!!!!

As movie-goers, we are often asked implicitly to suspend our disbelief with the fantasy/superhero genre quite a bit. I almost felt the viewers were ask to suspend their disbelief with "The Revenant" a lot as well, almost too much so given the conditions, and the physical and emotional toll that the lead character (Glass, played with relentless conviction by Leo DiCaprio) undergoes.

Technically, a very well-done display of cinema-making on-hand in this film. The story is a little too long, a little too Terrence Malick-esque at times. It's a simple story drawn out with maybe one or two tiny twists and turns, but ultimately excels at the visceral rendition of the conditions that needed to be overcome, but the pace lagged due to a long running time.

I give it 3 stars or a grade of B (had it been tightened up a bit, with a little more emotional heft imparted, I'd grade it higher).

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