Saturday, March 4, 2017

Big Eyes

I should have liked this film more than I do, as I like art, and having a film hone in on the commercialization of pop-art should have been an entertaining romp, but given the big lie in 'Big Eyes" being a stroll down chauvinism lane of the late 1950s, it just wasn't as entertaining as I had hoped.

Many had said this is the least "Tim Burton" movie he's done in ages, and I can agree with that, but in another sense, I don't think he was the right director for the material either, so I think the film is hit-or-miss, with it being more of a miss for me.

I think I just wasn't really sympathetic enough for the character of Margaret, even though I should have been firmly in her camp, and Walter was a cad, somewhat of a grifter without the nomadic roaming qualities. I guess I just ended up not really caring about these characters.

I give it 2.5 stars or a grade of C+ (mainly for the acting performances).

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