Wednesday, March 1, 2017

21 Jump Street

The cinematic treatment and update of "21 Jump Street", featuring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, was fairly entertaining.  In keeping with the theme of sending in young-looking police officers to work undercover as students at a high school to ferret out the new potent drug before it spreads to other high schools, both Hill and Tatum have some fun with their characters, and the freaky Friday mix-up of their undercover identities, which land both of them in uncharted social circles, and the results are pretty funny.

The script even makes some meta-fun at the generic send-up of making movies out of old TV shows, and cliched movie genre moments (car chases and the inevitable explosions from collisions).  Both Hill and Tatum have decent on-screen buddy-buddy chemistry, and the film moves along quite well, and provides laughs in most of the scenes.

I give it 3 stars or a grade of B.

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