Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Imitation Game

I'm not really a Benedict Cumberbatch fan, but I wanted to see a film about Alan Turing and his efforts to beat the Enigma machine in WWII, so off I went.

The film, overall, is buoyed by Cumberbatch's performance of the eccentric Turing, and the supporting cast (Mark Strong, Keira Knightley, and Matthew Goode) is solid. The script gives the viewer insight to Turing's past, how it shapes his personality, and the race against the clock to use his mind to overcome the odds in decrypting the German's Enigma machine which allowed them to broadcast war plans and directives without the Allies being able to comprehend them. Each day lost in decryption failure meant lives were lost to the war.

I give it 3.5 stars, or a grade of B+.

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