Friday, March 3, 2017

Transformers: Age of Extinction

By sheer boredom, and being near a theater I don't visit much last night, I plopped down my $18 for the AMC FauxMax 3D experience for "Transformers: Age of Extinction". The A/V presentation was fine, and did aid in the immense scale of the Autobots, and the other not-so-nice-bots, and those puny humans who somehow survive the melee.

The story is pretty terrible, merely serving to get us from one set piece to another set piece where the bot-on-bot action could be initiated, and lead into other chase scenes throughout a really long movie. Its running time may have clocked in around 2:45 hours, but it felt like 4 hours. Mark Wahlberg, in a fatherly role of a wealth-challenged robotics inventor with a fresh-faced 17 year old daughter introduced to the audience in super short-shorts showcasing her legs as only Michael Bay and his camera can, is fairly humdrum in the role, while trying to extract whatever actiony-dramedy with the script that is filled with cliched motivations (when it tries), and some hodge-podge of confrontational antagonists from more than one front.

But if you just like the special effects of bot-on-bot violence we've come to expect from the Transformers franchise, the film will deliver that in spades, to ultimately a dull, brain-droning conclusion.

I finally figured out, the daughter in the film reminds me of a taller, tanner, rosier-cheeked version of Tara Reid, but with a little more personality of an annoyed teenager with an overly protective father.

I pitied the cameramen, for they were surely on their backs filming alot for the footage with the cameras aimed upwards (at extreme angles) at both the actors, and the imaginary autobots and the sky in the frame. LOL!
I give it 2 stars, or a grade of C.

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