Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thor 2: The Dark World

Okay, so sure, it's far funnier than the first Thor film, less melodrama of family angst in Asgard, but the earth stuff just seems to flippantly cheeky, I felt like they mashed the tone of the Asgard side with Richard Donner's Superman, and the earth side with Richard Lester's Superman II, and then sprinkled in some Star Wars dust for the antagonist side (the elves). So, I just found some of the plot advancements jarring as it went from somber to hijinks funny in a the blink of an eye. The Warriors 3 and Sif are underused, and the Scooby gang (Jane and her crew) just pull stuff out of their butts to advance the plot to get from one set piece to another. But it's enjoyable if you just sit back and turn off your brain.

Plus, I don't really like the onscreen chemistry between Hemsworth and Portman, nothing feels real about their character's attraction to one another.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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