Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Wolverine

"The Wolverine" is a mishmash of plot elements, having Logan deal with the psychological aftermath of "X-Men 3", and not quite able to move forward in his long life. Then Yuriko comes looking for him, and he gets whisked away to Japan to see a man (Yashida) he saved when the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Yashida lived to create a business empire, is dying, his son was a disappointment in business acumen, but his grand-daughter Mariko was the apple of his eye.

Logan gets drawn into a long segment on being on the run with Mariko, chased by organized crime elements. He also finds his healing factor de-powered, but manages to press on with protecting Mariko. There are some decent scenes of character interplay in a genre film like "The Wolverine".

The rest of the film is hastily put together to get from one action scene to another, even if the plot doesn't really gel well enough to be an engrossing tale. The conclusion is pretty lackluster and uninteresting given the minimal efforts to forge the antagonistic forces that Logan ends up contending with in the end.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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