Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Dallas Buyers Club

Having seen a truly badly directed film earlier (Delivery Guy), it was a nice relief to watch a film whose director knew how to block scenes and pull the viewer into the film with the camera work and directorial choices.

Matthew McConaughey will most likely garner a Best Actor Oscar nomination with his work in this film as Ron Woodruff, an unlikely pioneer in AIDS self-medication and research after been diagnosed as HIV+. I had no idea Jared Leto played Rayon, an unlikely partner-in-crime for Woodruff given Rayon's cross-dressing propensities. The script and performances feature a wide gamut of character development, and is paced well, even with its 2-hour running time. I would not be surprised if Leto garners a Best Supporting Actor nomination either, heartbreaking work between Leto and McConaughey.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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