Saturday, March 4, 2017

John Wick

You know, this film isn't billed as a comedy, per se, but I still laughed a lot, mainly from the inferences to the legend of John Wick, as Wick himself finds himself on a path for retribution against a mob family in New York City.

Despite being a retired enforcer with an impressive body count to his resume in the employ of a mob family, Keanu Reeves' John Wick is still a sympathetic character given his motivations, a very simple one, but because his particular skill set, he's able and willing to do whatever is needed to exact his pound of flesh to be paid in full.

It's a lean movie, paced well, with entertaining fights and action scenes. It pretty much delivers what the trailer has marketed, with some extra flourishes that treats criminals having a sense of decorum within their own brand of mayhem, so I was entertained by this movie.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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