Friday, March 3, 2017

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Won't lie, I grew up reading the Jack Ryan novels while in college, and enjoyed most of the films in the franchise.

While I liked the updating of Jack Ryan in today's times, I felt this film, as a re-introduction to a new film audience, moved a little too briskly, a little too by-the-numbers for my liking. So the script was the weak point for me. Kenneth Branaugh's direction (and acting) was okay, nothing special. I didn't mind Chris Pine's take on Jack, nor even Keira Knightley as Cathy, but I guess I wanted a wider cast of characters to lend a little credibility to the "origin" story. It would have been sort of cool to have a slightly younger Kevin Costner in the John Clark role for later installments in the Jack Ryan franchise, instead of Harper, the guy who keeps tabs on Jack's promise after his military career takes a detour.

I give it 2.75 stars, or a grade of B-.

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