Friday, March 3, 2017

Gone Girl

"Gone Girl" may be categorized as being a dramatic mystery, but it's also funny and spot on with its skewering of the media when it comes to sensational missing persons cases.

Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) comes home on his 5th wedding anniversary to find his house disheveled, and his wife Amy (Rosamund Pike) missing. The ensuing plotline twisted and turned, and for me, produced a lot of laughs in spots for both relief and cheeky self-awareness of the situations.

Director David Fincher continues his story-telling mastery, the film is 2.5 hours long, but the pacing and delivery of story bits keeps the film moving without major dull spots. In combining characterization and plot motivations, the story is simply entertaining, without the fidgeting of being a monotonously boring cinematic exercise. The direction is not flashy, the camerawork does not call attention to itself, but services the story, producing a film you never want to look away while watching it.

So, a fine cast, an engaging script, and deft direction make for a solid film.

I give it 3.75 stars, or a grade of A-.

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