Thursday, March 2, 2017

Ender's Game

Okay, so I am a big fan of the Ender/Bean books, so I'm probably a bit biased in wanting to see an "Ender's Game" movie.

So, that is what I did last night. Asa Butterfield's performance is pretty solid, and Harrison Ford's turn as Graff is also fine. There's a lot of territory to cover from the book, so the screenplay did its best to present the situation, the threat and the conclusion of "Ender's Game". What we got was a good effort, though the inter-personal characterizations from the book was a bit lacking, and the plot progression is a little clumsy at times, but I still enjoyed the film overall. I got a big kick out of seeing some of the sequences that I had imagined from the book (over 15 years ago) now on the big screen, and it pushed the story along well.

I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

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