Friday, March 3, 2017

Draft Day

"Draft Day" is somewhat a fairy tale told with the backdrop of the story being the NFL's draft day with a running time that's probably a little too short to rightfully invest in the main characters, starting with Sonny Weaver Jr. (Kevin Costner) on the day of the 2014 NFL draft, as he's the general manager of the Cleveland Browns. In his position Sonny's in charge of making deals and drafting new talent with the draft pick positions at hand, and a lot of wheeling-and-dealing amongst other general managers around the league.

The other main subplot deals with Sonny's romantic life, where he's been seeing, on the sly, Allie (Jennifer Garner), who handles the team's salary cap/legal department with it comes to payroll for the team. I think had the relationship had more screen time to grow organically, it might have paid off a little better at the end, along with Sonny's other family issues.

The fairy tale aspect, for me, is how the actual draft unfolds, borders on entertainingly ridiculous, but still fun if you're rooting for Sonny to get stuff done and not get fired by the end of draft day.

What struck me funny was that unlikely pairing, on-screen, of Pa Kent from "Man of Steel" (Costner), and Clark Kent from "Smallville" (Tom Welling) in the film, as Welling plays the team's veteran quarterback whose position is threatened when it seems like Sonny has the draft pick to select a "can't-miss" quarterback in the draft. Anyhow, like I said, it was an odd moment if you follow the Superman films and TV show.

I give it 2.5 stars or a grade of C+.

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