Friday, March 3, 2017

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I thought the film was a solid follow-up (as I wasn't all that blown away by the first installment of "Captain America" anyhow), but I felt it was lacking in some spots for me, but I won't hash them out here for now, maybe I'll return in a week after most have seen the film.

The central plotline did have ambitious scope by the time we get to the 3rd act, with a lot of ramifications for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It's an entertaining film, but with a somewhat familiar story once it gets going. The action doesn't stretch your suspension of disbelief too much once you invest in Captain America being able to do all the stunts and action sequences shown. I was glad the "punch-cam"'s use wasn't a repeated theme, but it did add some chaotic feel to the fight scenes.

Overall, I give it 3 stars, or a grade of B.

P.S. The 2nd bonus scene at the very end of the credits left me with a "meh" feeling, I wanted something more. The first of the bonus scenes was intriguing, though.

I made the joke after the 2nd bonus scene:

(Please don't read until you've seen the scene and the film itself).
Captain America 3: The Search of Bucky haha.

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