Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Cabin in the Woods

If I had seen "Hunger Games" last month, I might have thought a little higher of "Cabin in the Woods", given its meta-take on what passes for entertainment for the select masses nowadays.

The cast of would-be cabin dweller weren't fleshed out all that well, playing archetypes of the horror genre, so it wasn't so much of a film where you get invested in characters when all hell starts to break loose, so the final act come across a little sloppy without much dramatic tension as I'd hope for.  There is definitely a slightly larger budget feel from the folks that worked on previous Joss Whedon TV shows, such as Angel and Dollhouse, and how it extracts an ominous tone from foreboding bodies which keep this cabin's "script" going over the passage of time.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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