Friday, March 3, 2017

Anchorman 2

If Ron Burgundy was a modern day character, I suspect he'd been diagnosed with some mild form of Asperger's to explain his behaviors. His merry band of newsmen, well, some more so than others.

"Anchorman 2" is funny in spots, but it's not consistently funny, and the cringe-inducing spots come off flat (Brick's subplot elements are totally hit-and-miss). The dialogue is not all that memorable this time around, either.

If you had fond memories of the first "Anchorman" movie, this installment might disappoint you, only see it at matinee prices.

I was actually hoping for some funny outtake footage during the credits, but was also disappointed by what they showed at the very end of the credits.

I give it 2.5 stars, or a grade of C+.

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