Sunday, November 22, 2009

Minority Report

Minority Report

I had problems with this film, and thus don't rate it as high as many of the critics.

This drove me nuts: (spoilers ahead)

Once Tom Cruise's character, John Anderton, sees the precrime of him shooting Leo, why doesn't he find a way to incapacitate himself for the next 36 hours so he can't possibly kill anyone? Would that not prove that he can't be the murderer? He went to the trouble to get new eyes, he was scott free for the most part after that. He just had to lay low for 36 hours.

Anyone with half a brain would have realized how to beat the pre-cogs premonitions with inside knowledge. I kept thinking of the the pre-cogs as the geese laying the red eggs. To me it was comical to see the elaborate little plastic spiral-like tunnels for the red balls to roll out.

This is what pissed me off about this film, and what makes the rest of the film seem too predictable and dull.

The futuristic touches of the film are pretty cool, though, and the scene with Hinemen in her greenhouse was sort of entertaining.

One more thing: I'm getting tired of the washed out "cinematic" look of Spielberg films. I don't think it worked as well in MR as it did in A.I.

I give it 2.5 stars or a grade of C+.

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